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Becoming a Financially-Savvy Teen/Young Adult

It's important for teens and young adults to learn about money, especially when many of us adults grew up in households where our parents didn't talk about money, and we weren't allowed to ask.  Before anyone starts using a credit card, they should know the power they are wielding in their hands.


This nine-session course teaches the basic facts about money - its value, budgeting, tools for managing money, and how to develop habits of saving, starting right now!  For a cost of $50, you will be able to log into each live class, or watch the recordings for ones you have to miss.  


Optional research between class sessions allows you to start to understand the dimensions of finance for themselves.  By the end of the course, you will feel like managing your finances is less like a dark alley and more like a bustling street of opportunity that you know how to navigate.


Session Topics:


Session One:  The Value of Money


Session Two: Budgeting, part 1


Session Three:  Budgeting, part 2


Session Four:  Credit History, Privacy, and Your Rights


Session Five:  Banking - Accounts, Debit Cards, & More


Session Six: Credit Cards - What Your Spending Really Costs


Session Seven:  Taxes and Fees - What You Need to Know


Session Eight:  Loans and Mortgages


Session Nine:  Investments - the Basics


Credit Card
Calculate Savings
Disclaimer: No one at Shalom Consulting is a Certified Financial Planner, or holds any special expertise in finances beyond experience, good common sense, and an ability to do good research.  This course offers basic education and tips, and a financial planner, lawyer, or government representative should always be consulted about serious financial matters.

The next course starts in October.  If you are interested, please email us by hitting the contact us button below.  


To register for the next course, please fill out the form and use the PayPal Buy Now button to send payment.

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