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Whether you lead a faith-based organization or a non- profit organization, you still face the same basic challenges: 
  • How do I become the best leader possible and grow in my ability to shepherd this organization into its future? 
  • How can my organization move from its current position into a place of increasing health where we can navigate conflict, celebrate success, and work together well as a team? 

Shalom Consulting can empower you as an individual leader and as an organization to take that next step to grow into who you and your organization can be!  

Tools include the ESCI from Korn Ferry, and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, both of which can help you and your team celebrate the skills you possess, master new skills, and learn when to use which techniques in the situations you face on a regular basis.


Leadership Consultation with ESCI Self-Assessment

The Korn Ferry Hay Emotional and Social Competency Inventory gives you valuable feedback on your leadership skills, based on your own self-assessment.



$200 for assessment and 2 sessions of 30 minutes each.

Leadership Consultation with ESCI 360 Assessment

The Korn Ferry Hay Emotional and Social Competency Inventory gives you valuable feedback on your leadership skills, based on your own self-assessment and the assessments of raters you choose.


$350 for assessment and 2 sessions of 60 minutes each.

Leadership Team Retreat

Retreats are designed to take the pulse of a team and its ability to work together.  Within the retreat, a team engages in activities and discussions that will increase commitment, deepen understanding, and envision next steps.


Healthy teams will work to reinforce skills already present and work on a plan together.  Teams experiencing challenge will put issues on the table and both learn and practice emotional intelligence and/or conflict management skills to resolve them.


Customize retreats to what your team needs most!  In consultation, we'll evaluate what's most important for your team to do and achieve in its own personal retreat.



Leadership Team Retreat with ESCI

In order to enable greater teamwork and understanding within a team, this retreat involves each member of the team taking the Korn Ferry Hay ESCI self-assessment (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory).  The results will be used throughout the retreat, which will include experiential work that builds trust and collaboration.


You could also add the ESCI 360, which includes your team evaluating themselves and each other.  Costs will be higher, and so will learning.  A second facilitator would be required for this retreat, to ensure effectiveness.


Due to the nature of this retreat, a minimum of 6 hours is suggested. Cost will include the fee for the inventories.


Group Training Workshops

One day workshops for continuing education are a great way for leaders to grow in skills and competency.  From empathy to managing conflict effectively to facilitating groups and much more, group training workshops are designed to assist your leaders in learning and practicing skills which will help your organization.  As leaders become more proficient, they'll spread what they learn throughout the organization for a healthier environment.


Choose from workshops already created, or ask for a specific design.  A large range of topics are available... please email to ask about what is most interesting to you!

Costs are based on retreat time, preparation time, and needs of each group.
Cohort Learning

Cohort groups learn together over a longer period of time to allow learning to come together with real-life experience.  Cohort learning is available in areas of emotional intelligence and conflict management. 


The benefit of cohort learning is that the skills are blended together with activities and case studies that help group members assess how they handled situations in the moment and what they might do differently the next time.  Cohorts discuss general principles that come up within their daily work so they can generate best practices to use.  Cohorts are able to try new skills or approaches in between group meetings and report back on what worked successfully and how they improved.  


Cohorts generally require a minimum of six members for effective facilitation and learning.


Leadership Team Retreat with TKI

In order to enable greater teamwork and understanding within a team, this retreat involves each member of the team taking the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.  The results will be used throughout the retreat, which will include experiential work that builds trust and collaboration.  Special attention will be paid to helping each team member understand the five conflict modes and where their strengths are.  We will also learn when to use each conflict mode and how to increase ability to use each mode, even when not yet a strength.


Due to the nature of this retreat, a minimum of 6 hours is suggested. Cost will include the fee for the inventories.


Leadership Consultation with Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory

The TKI assesses your skills in five different modes of resolving conflict.  In the consultation, we'll discuss when to use each one and how to grow your skills in all of them.



$300 for assessment and 2 sessions of 60 minutes each.

Combinations of these consultations are also available upon request.

Potential Topics for Group Training and Cohorts
  • What Makes a Great Leader

  • Effective Ways of Managing Conflict and When to Use Them

  • How to Facilitate and Manage Teams to Build Cohesion and Effective Work

  • Specific EI Skills (like empathy, emotional self-awareness, emotional self-control, or organizational awareness)

  • Combination of Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Skills for Leaders and/or Pastors, or for Teams

  • Design your own curriculum with your consultant

Kimberly Secrist Ashby


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